Aurora provides top-notch profiles to bring in your team the needed experience to successfully help and support your projects

We know how hard is to find specialists in engineering and scientific domains. That’s why our consultancy services are capable to deliver to your organization the right skill set with 3 different types of

Delivery Models:

Our Competences

We can offer a wide range of skillsets, which covers the entire space product development life cycle.
The expertise we can provide in our Service & Support Portfolio
spans from Preliminary Phase 0/A (conceptual mission design) to Phase F (mission operations, maintenance, and disposal).

Click on the icons below to navigate our core competences and discover more


Along our years of service provision, Aurora team provided support on the following key specific tasks and activities
(click on the '+' to get more details)

Space Engineering

Space Science Operations

Space IT | BigData | Cybersecurity | AI

Aurora Expertise

Get an inside on which Activity Domains we provide support
and to which Space Missions we contribute/d

"Space makes us dream...
Knowledge and passion make it real!"

Let us know how we can support your projects with our competences