Wins Q2 2019
18th July 2019
Wins Q3 2019
15th October 2019It’s the time in the year that we should stop for a moment and simply realize that we are the best!
It’s the time in the year when our customer – the European Space Agency – is awarding the best contractor companies providing Engineering Services.
And it’s the time in the year (since quite a while!) that we get awarded as Best Supplier in our main Activity Domains: Earth Observation and Science.
But this year is bit more special than the past years.
Aurora growth
Since July 2017, we started a new Frame Contract (EFC2) and we started a new collaboration within it, being part of a big Consortium with ATG Europe and Vitrociset Belgium. We faced new challenging scenarios, with a lot of new domains ready to be explored/conquered and a bigger complex structure to manage.
Well, guess what? We did it great!
Since EFC2 started, Aurora had a net growth of 60% jumping to 85 employees. In addition to the growth in consolidated ESA Activity Domains like EOP, SCO, S-AST, BMC and HRE, Aurora managed to enter in new areas such as FAM, TEC-SYS, TEC-PLT, TEC-SWC, TEC-PAE, ECO, and TIA.
Only in 2019 (which is still running!), Aurora registered a personnel increase of 27,4%, with 21 new employees joining the team.
The development plan of the company is confirmed by these exceptional results, obtained with an intense hiring activity related to the several positions won at ESA. Remarkable the effort of the entire management team in coping with such a steep growth, by keeping everything on track and under control. We manage to maintain our support to the customer and our attention to the employees at the usual high standard. This is also confirmed by our excellent reputation very well known among people at ESA.
Our team in Spain must be really proud of themselves. They not only performed excellent science operations and research, but they were the best in doing that, making Aurora the best supplier at ESAC (SCO Activity Domain). This is a success that we are pleased to share with our Consortium partners, where we team up on different activities. It was not always easy and we faced a few challenges, but we did it and we did it very well! A special mention is for the SITU team, who experience a difficult year with an internal reorganization proposal, which is now commencing a transition phase. Your effort is acknowledged and very much appreciated!
At ESTEC, we consolidated and grew in our prime domains. This has been confirmed also by ESA that recognized us as best supplier on EOP Engineering support and Engineering and Scientific support for the Future Missions. But as already mentioned, we also opened a lot of new areas and we actively contributed to the success of our Consortium partners in some key areas such as TEC-SYS (System engineering) and ECO (Education). We welcome 15 new professionals, who joined our team in 2019 in the Netherlands as engineers, scientists and administrative specialists.
Aurora’s performances are the outcome of a clear strategy which is positioning ourselves even more as a strategic key partner for our client – the European Space Agency – to whom we offer a service ready to meet the most demanding engineering and scientific goals. These numbers push us towards new challenges, and the growth will be developed also through new processes, innovative solutions and internal reorganization activity.
But it’s now time to celebrate our achievements, our greatness, our uniqueness in simply being the best in what we do!
The contract is carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency.
The support has been carried out under a programme and funded by the European Space Agency. ESA disclaimer – “The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.”