Wins Q2 2021
1st July 2021
Wins Q3 2021
1st October 2021ESAC, the European Space Astronomy Centre, is a center of excellence for Space Science for ESA’s Astronomy, Heliophysics and Planetary Missions, conducting the science operations and archiving the scientific data making it accessible to the world.
In this context, we are proud to announce that Aurora Technology has been awarded the Framework Service to support Science Planning Development & Implementation and Quick-Look Analysis for Planetary Missions and to provide Science IT Infrastructure and Operations support at ESA/ESAC in Madrid, Spain and additional support at ESA/ESTEC in The Netherlands.
The contract has been won by leading a Consortium together with RHEA System as subcontractor.
Such collaborative partnership has also allowed us to bid and win together the Framework Service to support Payload Operations and Software Development/Maintenance for Planetary Missions and Archive and SPICE Software Development and Operations and to provide System Engineering Cross Mission support.
Furthermore – in the scope of the same tender process – Aurora also won the Framework Service to support Astronomy, Heliophysics and Fundamental Physics missions as subcontractor of Telespazio UK.
The service contract kicked-off in July 2021 and will last 18 months.
Aurora is supporting ESA continuously since 1995 and this great result consolidates our presence at ESAC, increasing our strong incumbent team to over 50 operations scientists, software engineers and IT specialists. It is a remarkable success, confirming our leading role in the provision of high-level services in the Scientific Operations domain to the European Space Agency.
We want to thank our team of high-skilled professionals: their scientific and engineering expertise are and always will be the key to great achievements. They are indeed our most valuable asset.
Now we look forward to focus on providing the best service to the Agency for a common success of ESA’s space missions.
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