Welcome Domenico to the Recruitment Team
15th May 2023Update August 2024
19th August 2024We are proud to announce that we have been awarded with ‘Best in Domain’ certificates from the European Space Agency – ESA, which recognised our excellent work in providing Service and Manpower support in the domain of:
- Engineering and Scientific support to the Future Missions and Prodex Office (Manpower support & Service)
- Earth Observation Program (EOP) Engineering Support (Manpower)
- Facility Management (Manpower)
Additionally, we have contributed to the success of our Consortium in other activity domains, such as in the Systems, Technology and Concurrent Engineering support.
A big thank you and congratulations to all our employees that are working every day to make such achievement possible.
The contract is carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency.
The support has been carried out under a programme and funded by the European Space Agency. ESA disclaimer – “The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.”